Nightler Apparel

What is this?
This is a web shop that sells and ships merchandise.


Merch of what?
Of the Nightler Mobile App and everything that’s related to it.

Nightler App?
Yep, Nightler is a free, social mobile app available worldwide on Android an iOS. It’s basically a Nightlife, Food and Event App, that helps you to meet your friends and finding the hottest locations around you. And it does some other cool things too.

So, what am I paying for here?
By buying Nightler Apparel, you directly support the development and improvment of all our projects. It’s a form of crowdfunding, where you get a great product in return. If you want to know more about all our Nightler creations, feel free to visit or like our page on Facebook. Oh, and we have Instagram too. But no Snapchat. Sorry, not sorry.

How can I pay?
We accept Credit Cards, Paypal and Cryptocurrency Payments (Bitcoin and Litecoin). If you choose to pay with crypto, you’ll get a 15% discount.
Sometimes we also offer additional discounts, based on the amount of checkins in our mobile app.

If this is merch, how’s the quality of the products?
It’s very good. It’s not your typical run-off-the-mill merch product. We invest lots of ressources into getting our clothes right and we’re proud to sell them as fashion rather than just merchandise.

Of course they’re produced without child labour or any other sick shit.

Anything I need to know?
Yes. This shop works different than other web shops. We don’t sell products all the time, and we don’t necessarily restock them. So if you want to make sure you can actually get your desired product, you need to order during the production times.
Additionally our stock is super small and products may sell out quickly.

Production times?
Our products are produced during specific time periods only. For summer, and for winter typically.

What about shipping time?
Our shipping times are usually a bit longer than with most other shops. It can take several days for your products to start shipping, and several more day (or weeks) for it to arrive, depending on your location.

All good for the clothes, what else does Nightler do?
Nightler is a technology project. We have a mobile app that helps you to find your friends and to identify hot spots when going out. Besides we’re doing many events in the area of Luxembourg.
For more information on the app and our projects, please visit our main website: and follow us on Facebook.

Or go straight to the app stores: